joke quotes tagalog

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joke quotes tagalog

joke quotes tagalog

A good boyfriend will never wanna change anything about you except your last name.

Either treat me right, or I'm gone and I won't be single for very long.

I hate the fact that I can't have you.

If I could live my life all over again, I'd make sure I met you sooner so we could be in love longer.

love begins with friendship.

Seeing your ex go through what they put you through.. Priceless.

There's nobody else in this world for me but you.

You may miss them, but be strong, moving on is for the best.

Learn from yesterday. Smile for today. Be ready for tomorrow.

When a girl says she's sad but she isn't crying, it means she's crying in her heart.

Everybody needs just a little love, lots of hope and unshakable faith.

Giving up doesn't always mean you're weak, sometimes it means you are strong and smart enough to let go and move on.

I am not single and I am not committed, I am simply on Reserve, for the one who deserve ;)

I get jealous over the stupidest things sometimes.

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