pinoy qoutes

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pinoy qoutes

pinoy qoutes

A guy is only insecure about losing his girl when he knows someone else can treat her better.

Even if you lie to me once, it makes me question everything else you say.

I have felt it and lived it and now it leaves me here, love is the ultimate pain and joy, without it you die with it you perish.

If I get jealous, that means I care about you.

Love her for who she is, not who you want her to be.

She cares about you more than any other girl ever will.

they ask me what i see in you and i smile, look down and say nothing because i don't want them to fall in love with you too

You needed me, I was there. I needed you, and suddenly you were always busy.

With random people, I'm shy. With my best friends, I'm crazy.

Honestly, l feel really stupid for holding on to things that just keep on hurting me.

Everyone comes into your life for a reason, some for good or bad, they may shape us, break us, but in the end they make us who we are.

Go for someone who is not only proud to have you, but will also take every risk just to be with you.

I am strong. I know I am, But some days I wish I wasn't. I wish someone would be strong for me instead.

I get so damn jealous when it comes to you.

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