banats love quotes tagalog

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banats love quotes tagalog

tagalog song

All she wants is someone who won't let go.

Find someone who can change your life not just your relationship status.

I love you but I do not love how you act.

If you truly love someone, being faithful is easy.

Love turns the other cheek.

Sometimes I pretend that I don't care. But really, I care more than anyone else ever will.

Trust me when I say I love you, because I will always mean it.

You're the only person I want to fall asleep next to

God does things that we may not understand, but he has his reasons.

Sometimes we take what we have for granted, lose it and then wish we would've treated it better.

Find someone who can change your life not just your relationship status.

Haters gonna hate. Potatoes gonna potate. Waiters gonna wait. Aligators gonna aligate

I don't care if our conversations get a little boring & we run out of things to say, i'm just happy i'm talking to you.

I hate those moments where I know something isn't right, but I don't know what went wrong.

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