kowts patama

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kowts patama

kowts patama

A relationship is more than finding the right person, it's also about being the right person.

Every time I gaze up at the night sky and see a shooting star I simply say "thanks" because one night I wished for you.

I just want you, that's all.

If two people are meant to be together, eventually they'll find their way back.

Love is not how much and how loud or how many times you say I love you. But it is how you can prove that you do.

Smiling is always easier than explaining why you're sad.

Time for a #TwitterBattle

You will never be happy if you continue to hold on to the things that make you sad.

Stop being loyal to someone who doesnt appreciate your loyalty.

Hold on to your loved ones. Give your attention to those who matter most. Life is short.

Everything is better when you decide you don't care.

Good things come to those who wait? Greater things come to those who get out there and do anything to make it happen.

I can't lie, I miss you..

I hate how you act like I'm asking for so much, but all I really want is for you to give a fuck about me.

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