pinoy songs

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pinoy songs

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A thousand people could tell me I was beautiful, but it doesn't mean anything unless it's coming from you.

Everyone tells me I deserve better, but I don't want better. I want you

I love his eyes, his smile, his face, his laugh, and his voice. I love him... but he doesn't love me.....

If you have a dumb ass for an ex, retweet this with your middle finger.

Love is when you retweet every love quote you see on twitter.

Someday you'll need me the way I needed you

Treat your girl right or someone else will.

Your prince will come one day. He may not ride a white horse or live in a big castle but he will love you and only you.

Me and my bestfriends can communicate just with face expressions.

God only gives three answers to prayer: 1. Yes! 2. Not yet. 3. I have something better.

Fake friends believe in rumors. Real friends believe in you.

Happiness comes when we stop complaining about the troubles we have and offer thanks for all the troubles we don't have.

I didn't change. I just grew up.

I hate mondays, tuesdays, wednesdays, thursdays and half of friday.

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