qoutes tagalog

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qoutes tagalog

tagalog joke

A relationship with zero trust is like having a phone with no service, you just play games.

Everyday I wake up and the first thing I think about is YOU, then after that I go through a whole entire day just thinking about YOU.

I lose track of time whenever I'm with you.

If you don't call me all day I'll understand. When you don't text me all day I'll understand. When I stop loving you I hope you understand

Love is the only thing in life that doesn't follow simple logic.

Some people don't change, they just learn to lie better.

Treat her right, or watch some other guy do it for you.

Your last kiss, your last girlfriend, your last love.

Sometimes, our friends are the reason why we enjoy being single.

Babae ka. Deserve mo ang ituring na prinsesa. Hindi ka dapat paiyakin ng isang tulad niya.

Fact: Girls never mind staying up a bit longer just to talk to a guy they love.

H.O.P.E = Hold on. Pain ends.

I could be locked in a room with no tv, phone, or internet access and I'd probably still not do my homework.

I hate it when trying to do the right thing, ends up going wrong.

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