tagalog quotes 2015

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tagalog quotes 2015

love shayaris

Being with someone that doesn't treat you right isn't love, it's stupidity.

He's not what I'm looking for. He's more.

I shouldn't be jealous. You aren't even mine.

I'm single because I'm still want you.

Never let the bullshit stress you.

Stop trying to love others, love yourself first.

When I look at you in your eyes, don't look away until I do.

Stop looking at what you don't have and start being thankful for what you do have.

Girls get jealous because they know what other girls are capable of doing.

I gave up. It's not because I don't love you. But because I'm tired of getting hurt and it feels like you'll never care.

Girls never get mad for no reason. It may be over something small or stupid, but there's always a reason.

I accidentally typed ;) instead of :) and now it's awkward.

I feel like shit when you ignore me.

I like you because I can never stay mad at you, I can't stand not talking to you and I can't stand the thought of losing you.

Yang Keren Lainnya :

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