jokes quotes tagalog

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jokes quotes tagalog

jokes quotes tagalog

A man wants to be a woman's first love; a woman wants to be his last.

Every girl deserves a guy who looks at her everyday like it's the first time he saw her.

I just love kissing.

If loving you was wrong, then I don't want to be right. #FollowLoveQuotes

Love is an emotion; if someone is discrediting your emotions, they're ignoring your love.

Shut up and kiss me

They say time heals all, but without you by my side, time stands still.

You really need to stop being so cute.

No matter what happens, just pray and everything will be okay.

You have to speak to be heard, but sometimes you have to be silent to be appreciated.

Everyone has problems. Some people are just better at hiding them than others.

God is the best listener. You don't need to shout nor cry out loud because he hears even the very silent prayer of a sincere heart.

I believe in second chances. I just don't think everybody deserves them.

I hate all those girls who think being stupid is cute.

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