tagalog quotes about friendship

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tagalog quotes about friendship

tagalog quotes about friendship

A good morning text does not only mean "Good morning". It has a silent, loving message that says..."I think of you when I wake up."

Even a good player will someday become a toy of a better player. It's called karma.

I hate you so much and love you all the same. The sorrow, happiness, and all the joyful pain.

If I fall asleep texting you, it's because I didn't want to say goodbye.

Love doesn't need to be perfect, it needs to be true.

Sex doesn't make a relationship, love does.

There's something about you that keeps me wanting more.

You meet thousands of people and none of them really touch you. Then you meet one person and your life is changed. Forever.

Things will get better eventually. Don't let it get you down.

Darating sa punto na matuto ka din at tatawanan mo nalang lahat ng mga katangahan mo.

everyday is a second chance.

Go after your dream, no matter how unattainable others think it is.

I am so shocked Zayn Malik is leaving One Direction...

I get re-pissed about an old sitatution whenever I start thinking about it again.

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