tagalog joke quotes

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tagalog joke quotes

tagalog joke quotes

A good friend listens to your adventures, and a best friend makes them with you.

Erase the messages, delete the numbers & move on. You don't have to forget them, but just accept that they aren't that person anymore.

I hate when you miss someone & they seem to not even care.

If I ever write a story of my life, don't be surprised if your name appears like billions times.

Love doesn't need to be perfect, it just needs to be true.

Sex doesn't equal love.

There's somebody that's meant for you. There's somebody out there that's perfect for you.

You meet one person, and your whole life changes forever.

Old style of courting is better than today's way of courting.

Being someone's first love is great, but being someone's last love is beyond perfect.

Everyday is a new day. Another chance. Another opportunity to get things right. To try again. Don't give up.

Go after the one you love, don't let them leave after all, they didn't come into your life for nothing.

I am so grateful for what I got. Friends, family a home. Why can't everyone have those three things?

I get jealous. Don't touch, talk to, or flirt with what's mine.

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