tagalog funny quotes

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tagalog funny quotes

tagalog funny quotes

A girl's favorite songs will tell you more about how she feels than her lips ever will.

Each girl has that one boy they will never lose feelings for.

I hate the fact that i cant have you

If I choose you over sleep.. You must be pretty special to me

Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none.

Seeing your ex downgrade is the best feeling ever.

there's no past tense to love, you either never did, or still do

You may love the wrong person, cry for the wrong reasons. But one thing is for sure; mistakes help us to find the right person.

If you miss someone, tell them, if you love someone, show it.

Twitter is my bestfriend. I can share random stuffs, with no plastic and judgements.

Everybody know how to love, but FEW people know how to stay in love with ONE PERSON FOREVER.

Giving up doesn't always mean you failed, sometimes it means you needed to move forward to something else and grow stronger.

I am not pushing you away, I am holding on for dear life. But I need you to need me back.

I get jealous over anything..... A hug, a hi, bye, glance, text, phone call, all that shit.

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