tagalog jokes

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tagalog jokes

funny tagalog jokes

A relationship will only go as far as you both want it to.

Everybody deserves someone who makes them look forward to tomorrow.

I like someone, they like someone else. Story of my life.

If you carry bricks from your past relationships to the new one you will build the same house....

Love is the greatest gift God can give us; never reject the feelings sent from the Heavens above.

Some people are more interested in other people's life than their own.

Too many girls demand attention and not respect.

Your girlfriend should NEVER feel like she's in competition with another girl.

Mahal kita, mahal mo siya at mahal ka niya! O diba? Ang tanga ko

Sometimes you need to let go of something you really love to get what you really deserve.

Explaining your feelings to someone is seriously the hardest thing ever.

Guys who love to cuddle >

I cared too much and you didn't care enough.

I hate it when people flirt with the person I like. ??

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