tagalog qoutes

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tagalog qoutes

joke tagalog

A relationship with NO TRUST is like a car with no gasoline. You can stay in it all you want but it won't go anywhere

Everybody is different in every way.

I like when you smile, but I love it when I'm the reason.

If you do what you love, you'll love what you do.

Love is the most expensive gift. Make sure you don't give it to someone that's cheap.

Some people aren't meant to be in our lives forever. Some are just passing through to teach us a lesson.

Traveling the world with you. #WeekendFix

Your happiness depends on you, and you alone.

No matter how strong a girl is, she always has a breaking point.

While you're busy doing some shitty things, someone out there is making her feel special.

Face it... We all honestly wish Plankton would succeed because we want to know the secret formula too.

Guys, be quiet I'm calling my mom!" *Person in the background* "Come back to bedddd!!"

I cheated on my fears, broke up with my doubts, got engaged to my faith and now I'm marrying my dreams.

I hate it when people tell me they understand what I'm going through. No, you don't and you never will.

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